
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual reward of ten years of worship in ten days

Ubqari Magazine - September 2018

Following are the tested and narrated spiritual practices of pious people and religious scholars. Publication of such spiritual practices is intended to bring people towards Nawafil and Zikr instead of indulging in non-Islamic deviant practices.

Hazrat Usman Bin Affan رضی اللہ عنہا narrates that Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ said that respect the month of Muharram Ul Harram and worship Allah Almighty to earn Jannah and remain safe from Hell. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ said that observing fast in first ten days of Muharram ul Harram, and worshiping Allah Almighty in nights is akin to worshipping Him for ten thousand years. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ said that who wants to get rid of hell fire must observe fast in this month. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ said that Allah Almighty liked the month of Muharram; spiritual reward of fasting in one day of Muharram is more than one year of worship.

Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ­ said that worshipping in Friday night is akin to worshipping in Shab e Qadar. It was said that the one who offers eight rakah nafil prayer in first night of Muharram by reciting Surah Ikhlas after Surah Fatiha would have his family and wealth safe from calamities and will be bestowed the spiritual reward equal to that of one-year worship for one rakah. One who offers four rakah nafil prayer so that he recites Surah Ikhlas for three times in each rakah, would be bestowed with spiritual reward equal to that of worshipping for forty thousand years. One who offers two rakah nafil prayer such that he recites Surah Inam after Surah Fatiha will be like as if he is born anew, free from sins; he will be blessed with one Houris against each letter he recited.

First night: One who offers six rakah nafil prayer in a manner that he recites Ayat ul Kursi for one time and Surah Ikhlas for eleven times after Surah Fatiha; and after Tasleem recites سبحان الملک القدوس سبوح قدوس ربنا ورب الملایکتہ والروح for three times would earn great spiritual reward.

One who offers two rakah nafil prayers after Isha prayer by reciting Surah Ikhlas for three times after Surah Fatiha would earn spiritual reward equal to that of many good deeds.

The one who offers two rakah nafil prayer on first day of Muharram ul Haram, such that he recites Surah Ikhlas for three times after Surah Faitha and recites the following prayer would remain safe from Satan.

اللھم انت اللہ البدالقدیم ھذہ سنۃ جدیدۃ اسلک فیھا العصمۃ من الشیطن الرجیم والمان من السلطان الجابر ومن شر کل ذی شر ومن البلا والاٰفات واسلک العون والعدل علی ھذہ النفس الامارۃ بالسوء والاشتغال بما یقربنی الیک یا بریاروف یا رحیم یا ذوالجلال والاکرام

Supererogative fasts: Hazrat Hafsa رضی اللہ عنہا narrates that Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would never miss four things: fasting on the day of Ashura, fasting first nine days of Zul Hajj, fasting three days every month, two rakah of Sunnat of Fajr prayer. (Nisai)

Hazrat Ibn e Abbas رضی اللہ عنہا narrates that I had not seen Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ determined to observe fast other than the day of Ashura, and I had not seen him observing fast for the whole month but in Ramadan. (Bukhari Shareef)

Monthly Spiritual Gathering

Monthly gathering is not conducted in congregation at centre for peace and spirituality. The people may participate perform at their own places

Spiritual Gathering for this month will take place on September 09, Sunday, from Asar to Maghreb prayer, September 18, Tuesday from 03:05 pm to 04:23 pm, September 29, Saturday, from 07:00 pm to 08:21 pm. Recite یا باری یا صمد during this time.

Recite these names of Allah Almighty with utmost humbleness, sincerity, concentration and faith that Allah Almighty is listening and answering your prayers. Place a glass of water in front of you and recite the names of Almighty Allah with the imagination that a pale yellow light from sky is being drizzled at your heart and your heart is receiving peace and your problems are getting solved. After the time for spiritual gathering is over, pray fervently for Muslim Ummah, for entire Muslim world and for non-Muslims to convert to Islam. Pray for peace in the world, for yourself and for your relatives. Pray with utter confidence that Allah Almighty answers prayers. After praying, blow water thrice and drink the water. Blown water can also be offered to family members.

After every gathering, give eleven rupees as alms.

Note: If it is time for obligatory prayer during the spiritual gathering, do offer obligatory prayer and after having offered prayer, recite names of Allah Almighty making up for the time that was spent offering prayer. It is permitted if someone wants to do this practice same time, everyday. This practice can be made part of routine worship. Recitation for every month is different and performed at different times. Impossible wishes of many people have come true. People whom dreams were realized and problems were solved wrote us letters. Do write us letter after you get your desire materialized.

Editor: Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood. (May Allah bless him.)

A cure for hypertension and diabetes

Readers! Arrange pure nectar of white roses. Don’t buy a branded one. Have it distilled from a trusted place. Drink a cup before or after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Keep drininking this for three months. This will cure hypertension and diabetes. The one benefitting from this tonic is requested to write to Ubqari for the benefit of others.    (P, Z, Mianwali)

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